Missionary Testimonies

In 2014, Pastor Theresa Jin took us for Mission Trip to South Korea. We had a full schedule visiting churches and Tabernacle and other Christian’s sites. During this mission, Pastor wakes up every day early in the morning for a prayer meeting. That s when I personally felt the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT and got born again Christian. It was a different feeling that I v ever experienced. I had peace and joy regardless how I was worried about my study, my finances and … Pastor prayed for me and I was just in tears wordless. From then, I got to miss reading the word of God if I don t do it in a day. I got to know to talk with my Abba Father God boldly. I started looking at things differently and my I had no more envy for movies and world songs unlike before. 

Dicf became a home to me. As I’m writing this I am still missing our weekly gathering as leaders at in Dalian. 

My Passion and Future Plan

Since I became born again, I have the gift to take care of people. I love serving the unfortunate. I pray and wish God will use me more. I HAVE A BURNING PASSION FOR ORPHANS. I wish to have a group of kids that God could use me to help and raise. So far, I have been helping one family nearby where I live with my monthly income. I felt God wants me to expand his kingdom by being humble and acting with faith. 

I believe in God s miracle, I have experienced His faithfulness. 

We praise God for everything.




Earlier in my life, I was an Anglican Church attendant. The majority of my mother ide family is Anglican. For my father side, few are Catholics and some are yet non church going.

In September 2011, I was 27 years old; I left my country to go to China as a Chinese Government full scholarship PhD and Chinese language student. That was my first time to be away from my family. Arriving at Dalian University of Finance and Economics DUFE, I felt lonely and strange because everything was new to me and I did not yet speaking Chinese and English but only French. So one day with the schoolmate going out, I asked them if Dalian has a church I could attend. Then, I got to know Dalian International Christian Fellowship DICF.

Though I struggle with English language, I got so at peace every time I enter the house of God in DICF with Pastor Theresa and Pastor James Jin.  I got involved in serving at Church with all the spiritual training Pastor offered to us. We had Dalian International University DIU to learn the word of God and I thank God so much with the knowledge and wisdom the Holy Spirit gave me through this. It wasn’t easy; we had Friday evening prayer meeting which I barely missed and Bible Study DIU on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I enjoyed sleeping Over at Church with the brethren because I learn a lot to understand the word of God with them.

I am currently serving as Youth Ministry Pastor and a Medical Doctor in Accra, Ghana. Occasionally, I organise health screening and treatment at my church for the whole community.

My passion is to become an active Christian Missionary Physician and a Psychiatrist, intersecting healthcare with biblical truth and winning Souls for Jesus by providing basic needs for people who live in deprived areas in Africa and beyond. Hearing of Bridge Mission USA means answered prayers.

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)                 2011 - 2016

Leadership: Christian Campus Fellowship President ( A branch of DICF)


Certificate in Biblical studies 

Leadership: President of DIU                                                      2012 - 2013 


At age 15, I became assured of my salvation and re-dedicated my life to God during a Presbyterian Youth Camp meeting in Kumasi (the second Capital City of Ghana). I started spreading the Gospel in my Multi-cultural, Muslim founded High School in Accra, the Capital City of Ghana. Becoming the boarding house prefect and assistant School prefect gave me the opportunity to meet the Principal who was a Turkish to convince him to establish a Christian Fellowship on campus and at the boarding house. My Missionary dream began when God made it possible to establish a boarding house campus fellowship to share the gospel with my mates and proceeded to preaching the gospel in other high schools in Kumasi. 

Joining ordained and lay Christians to preach the love of Jesus to prison in-mates and people in rural areas was a dream come true. 

Subsequently, I traveled to China to pursue medicine where  by God’s Grace I became an active member of Dalian International Christian Fellowship (DICF) and Dalian International University (DIU). My life was absolutely transformed by joining DICF and DIU under the leadership of my Spiritual parents, Pastor Theresa and James. I acquired extensive biblical knowledge and understanding  of our Lord Jesus Christ, Missionary Ministry and Church Planting. It is at  these prestigious institutions where I acquired strong leadership, bible teaching and team working skills. 


Ghana, Africa

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